The Five Woes In Habakkuk Chapter 2

On Thursday nights, our adult class has been studying out of the book of Habakkuk. One of the key words found in the book, is the word "violence" (mentioned five times ..... note Chapter 1:2,3,9; 2:8,17). In Chapter 2, there is also mentioned five woes.

The following is a short analysis of each woe (see commentary):

Woe #1 vs. 6 --- This woe refers to those who steal or plunder through dishonest gain by oppression. In this case, the Chaldeans were the perpetrators (Habakkuk 1:5-10).

Woe #2 vs. 9 --- This woe refers to selfish gain (note the word "coveteth" (KJV) --- (marginal reading: "gaineth and evil gain"). The selfishness of the Chaldeans is on display here.

Woe #3 vs. 12 --- This woe refers to those who are cruel oppressors (note the word "blood" and "iniquity"), i.e., the Chaldeans.

Woe #4 vs. 15 --- This woe refers to those rulers who are tyrants (cruel and unjust). Once again, the Chaldeans being the perpetrators.

Woe #5 vs. 19 --- This woe refers to the idol of earthly gain (note the key words, "wood" and "stone" ..... "gold" and "silver." The covetous practices of the Chaldeans is on display here. Also reference Zephaniah 1:4-7.

Beloved, do we not see the same key societal problems in our society today as was found in the above five woes describing the Chaldean society of Habakkuk's day and time? (606 B.C.). Thus it's plain to see that the Bible is neither a mundane or boring book, but more like reading today's newspaper.

The question then becomes, are we reading it? (and paying attention to what's happening in today's society?

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
