"To Whom Much Is Given......"

In the July-August-September, 2019, Volume 50, No. 3 issue of the "Think On These Things" publication, Bro. Al Diestelkamp addresses the stewardship principle found in Luke 12:35-48 (specifically vs. 48b); "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required" (see article).

In his good article, Bro. Diestelkamp provides us with the following spiritual applications from the above text when considering that:

1) God has blessed our nation with "wealth and power" (in abundance) -- "To Whom Much Is Given."

2) God has blessed our nation with "full access to His Word and liberty to worship" -- "To Whom Much Is Given."

3) God has blessed us as Christians with the ability to help needy saints, gospel preachers, and struggling churches -- "To Whom Much Is Given.".

4) God has blessed us with the ability to forgive others as God has forgiven us -- "To Whom Much Is Given."

5) God has blessed us with spiritual abilities -- "To Whom Much Is Given."

6) God has blessed us the gifts of prosperity and material possessions which we need to willingly share with (a) the local church; (b) to those in need; (c) other worthy causes -- "To Whom Much Is Given."

Bro. Diestelkamp closes his article using the above titled phrase, "To Whom Much Is Given ....." As he states: "It's all about giving -- giving of ourselves of all that we have been given by the Lord."

Beloved, in our Christian walk, let us remember: "To Whom Much Is Given ..... from him much will be required."

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
