How To Keep Our Mind Healthy

Brian Tracy, speaker, author and success expert is often asked, "What are the habits of successful people?" (also see here). In this eleven minute YouTube video, Mr. Tracy lists the following six ways, that will keep our mind healthy:

1) Read As Much Positive Material As You Can

Note: Philippians 4:8

2) Exercise

Note: Seven Exercises To Mental Wellness

3) Practice Affirmations

Note: "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).

4) Develop Good Habits (see here and here).

5) Eat Healthy Foods

Note: Looking At The God of All Comfort and "Pork Chop Wednesday"

6) Set S.M.A.R.T Goals With Deadlines (see above video at 9:18).

Note: Achieve those goals by first removing any self-doubt,

Along with the above six habits, this writer would like to add one more habit, that when practiced on a daily basis, will produce spiritually successful people:

7) Read, heed, and practice (obey) the precepts and principles found in God's word, the Bible (note #7 in this article).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
