Public Education Is Quickly Going Down The Toilet

In this American Thinker article, we can plainly see that public education is quickly going down the toilet. Note in the comments section a capsule look at the new CDC guidelines for reopening schools by G-Jean (here is an expanded list from the CDC website).

A quote from the above article: "Deanna Fisher at Victory Girls Blog (hat tip: Sarah Hoyt, Instapundit) writes: [I]n the name of safety, the Centers for Disease Control are nearly guaranteeing the destruction of public schools in the United States."

Beloved, our present-day society has fulfilled the inspired Apostle Paul's statement in Romans 1:22, "Professing to be wise, they became fools."

Because of this coronavirus phobia, with all of the requirements of mask wearing, social distancing, and shelter-in-place rules, our nation has literally become a nation of fools. And it only took a short period of time to arrive at this juncture.

Home schooling or private schooling are really the only two choices that parents have of their children ever receiving an education.

Given enough time, this unloving society will literally destroy itself (Galations 5:14-15). God won't have to do a thing but sit back and look at the destruction.

Jeremiah 10:23 comes to mind.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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