"We've Lost Our Collective Minds"

In this American Thinker article by writer, Carol Brown regarding social distancing, Ms. Brown points out the above title close to the end of her good article. It's obvious to this writer that loosing our collective minds is not too difficult to do in this war, not with the coronavirus, but about power and control over the will of the American people in this "land of the free and the home of the brave" (see article).

With all of the mayors in our nation being given authority to establish coronavirus guidelines for the general public in each state, some have obviously overstepped their authoritative and constitutional bounds and have become (as I've stated on Twitter), little dictators - see here (our last President before Mr. Trump being one of them - see article).

Sad to say, someone down the line is making a profit over the wearing of masks (just follow the money - also see here) which are, for the most part, non-profitable for healthy people (see herehere and here), as is the quarantine of healthy people ..... you have to test the antibody level of an individual to make a correct assessment (see YouTube video and doctor's statements at 8:13 and following). See Laura Ingraham's expose on COVID fear mongering here.

Speaking of power, as Bro. John Helbig stated in his above article (see link at end of the first paragraph), "When we remove the "Power [God Almighty] that hath made an preserved us as a nation" and remove the phrase "In God is our trust" .... then we remove the solid foundation upon which we could continue to stand."

The question becomes, can America bounce back from this coronavirus, including social distancing and shelter-in-place directives?

The last paragraph in this article provides the answer.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
