Given Enough Time

 After watching this nine minute YouTube video regarding why and how the 5G Network will eventually change the world, this writer truly believes that given enough time, and without God's intervention (2 Peter 3), mankind would eventually destroy itself (see here and here). Paul warns of the possibility in Galations 5:12-15 (note vs. 15 - see article).

The simple reason being that mankind has developed far too many worldly devices (digital toys) designed to distract him from recognizing and being obedient to the sovereign Creator God of the universe (Matthew 7:21; Romans 6:17-18 -- also see Romans 1:18-22 and this article).

Yes, the 5G Network will definitely change the world, but not for the better.

I'm thankful that at my age (76), my exit from this old sin infested world is not long in coming (see article).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
