Being God's People In Satan's World

In 2 Peter 2:7, we see that Lot had “made his bed.” He knew of Sodom’s reputation when he moved there (Genesis 13:13). He had decided long ago not to leave. But he never seemed to “adjust” to the vile society of Sodom. The sinful society he lived in caused daily concern (2 Peter 2:8).

Sexual perversion, immorality, idolatry, covetousness, and violence were a daily reminder to him that he was not among God’s people. New Testament Christianity does not cut us off from the world, but helps us understand the temporary nature of this world - it is headed for judgment like Sodom. It is, in many ways, Satan’s world (1 John 5:19) – a world filled with sin. We should have a growing sense of concern about sin and not become deadened to it.

And as such, does it bother you each day to see:

1) That many of your neighbors are enslaved to their alcoholic beverages? (Proverbs 23:30-32).
2) That many dress not to glorify God but to cause others to lust after them? Most have no sense of shame for their immodesty and the harm it causes (Matthew 5:28).
3) That the media and the entertainment “industry” actively promote sexual perversion,  promiscuity, profanity and violence? (Romans 1:32).
4) That our government is increasingly supporting things once considered “vices” and criminal: abortion, drug addiction, gambling and homosexuality? (Acts 5:29).
5) That thousands of our fellow Americans are attempting to worship God ignorantly or in vain? (Matthew 15:9). The Master warns us about unscriptural worship in John 4:23. But millions, either out of Bible ignorance or rebellion, are not “true worshipers.” Are we concerned about them?

Dear reader, let us continue to proclaim the pure, unadulterated gospel in this world, in spite of opposition. Let us strive to be God’s person in this world. “Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him” (Acts 28:30-31). ---Roelf L. Ruffner

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
