All Of The Gun Violence Protests Are For Naught

As I read this Newsmax article here regarding student walkouts across the nation in protest of gun violence, there's no doubt in this writer's mind that students all over the nation are frustrated because little is being done with regard to stopping gun violence, but once again, it's not the guns that are the main problem - (they are inanimate objects - see here), thus all of the gun violence protests are for naught and a sheer waste of taxpayer's money.

According to the Centers For Disease Control (source of the stats from this American Thinker article), the leading causes of deaths among adolescents aged 15 - 19 years are (1) Accidents (unintentional injuries); (2) suicide; and (3) homicide (note that guns are not the main cause of death). The above American Thinker article goes on to list six other health-risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among both youth as well as adults - one of which is motor vehicle crashes (could cell phone use while driving possibly play a large part in this statistic? - see here and here).

Once again, it's neither guns nor gun ownership that is the main problem. As this "The Daily Signal" article emphasizes: "Gun ownership is not our problem. Our problem is a widespread decline in moral values that has nothing to do with guns. That decline includes disrespect for those in authority, disrespect for oneself, little accountability for anti-social behavior, and a scuttling of religious teachings that reinforced moral values."

Question: From what source did our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents acquire their moral values, respect for authority, respect for oneself (the results of which produced godly social behavior)?  Answer: From the Bible, the greatest psychology book in the world.

Question: What's the solution then to not only gun violence, but any other human behavioral problems brought about by sinful vices promoted by the great deceiver Satan and his cohorts? (Revelation 12:9). Answer: That our society get back to the Bible, To God, and to moral sanity! (see here). If and when our society willingly achieves this goal, God will gladly heal its main malady - sin (Jonah 3 NET - see article).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
