Biblical Education And The True Minority

In reading this American Thinker article by Selwyn Duke as to why white people should be happy at becoming a minority, Douglas Beachler (in the Comments section) comments regarding so-called "white privilege": "White guilt is not hereditary, it is being taught to our children in our schools and reinforced by the media and entertainment industries. The true minority are those that are still free thinkers."

This writer can heartily "Amen" Mr. Beachler's last statement in his above comment. Folks, no matter what background or upbringing an individual has, "the true minority are those that are still free thinkers." This is where concerned and loving parents should enter the picture of a child's learning and development -- not leaving that parenting responsibility to our nation's public education system, that has literally become vehicles by which godless secular humanism (and other isms) has been taught to innocent school children over the past sixty-plus years.

As I wrote in this article, "This is exactly why parents need to become more involved in the education of their children, and know what they are being taught in the public schools of America." Parents need to visit the public schools their children are attending, asking questions of teachers and administrators, regarding what their children are being taught - see article (looking at the required curriculum being promoted, noting the subject matter). The best thing parents can do for their young children is found here.

God seeks "thinking" men and women" (see here); people who are "free" (the "free thinkers" that Mr. Beachler comments on in the first paragraph of this article) to analytically come to a logical and reasonable conclusion after reading any kind of written text (called reading comprehension), whether secular or biblical (Isaiah 1:18; cf. Mark 12:28 - note the phrase, "reasoning together"). The essence of education is: "The ability to think critically and protect oneself from falsehood and lies" (see article).

Beloved, the "free thinkers" in our godless society, are quickly becoming the true minority. As parents who are concerned about the spiritual welfare of our children, let us "wake up, study, and contemplate" the situation at hand, taking action to insure that our children realize the importance of biblical education (see here), and then home school them to emphasize that importance.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
