"Let Kings Be Kings, Let Toys Be Toys"

As a writer, I sometimes find topic ideas in strange places. For example, while walking in a concrete drainage ditch on this morning's walk, I noticed the above titled words on the wall that someone had written in spray paint, using a purple spray can.

The question is, what does the above phrase mean?

After doing a little research on the Internet, this writer made the following attempt to arrive at the correct meaning:

The "let toys be toys" phrase, refers to a parental campaign designed to persuade retailers to stop categorizing toys by gender (see here and here).

Thus, the phrase, "let kings be kings", would logically have to mean "let boys be boys" or "let men be men" (see here) or "let males be males" (see here and here), and cease trying to make males and females "equal" (an exercise in futility!).

Beloved, let's just be contented the way God made us (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4), and leave it at that (Philippians 4:11 KJV).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
