Recent News Events And Short Commentary

The following are four recent news events this writer observed today, and my short commentary follows after each event:

1) Chicago Tribune article regarding gun violence in Chicago:

After all of the news media pundit's claims, "It's [still] Not The Guns, Folks" (see here).

2) NBC News article regarding depression being on the rise in our nation, especially among teens (see here): Here is a proven remedy for depression.

Additionally, did you know that the living God can lead us out of depression? See here.

3) American Thinker article regarding Fox News commentator, Sean Hannity, evicting tenants who paid no rent (see here). Is this cruel and unusual punishment? No, because according to the article, tenants signed a lease agreement, thus knowing the consequences for nonpayment of rent: Folks need to realize there is nothing in this life that is absolutely "free" (with one exception here) -- some entity has to pay a price (see here).

If we see or hear the word "free" in an advertisement, an immediate red flag should pop up in our minds as a definite warning sign: Know that even freedom is not free! (see here).

4) "The Atlantic" article regarding President Trump's "extraordinary auction of access and influence" (see here): Unless we've been living under a rock, or our heads buried in the sand, we should know by now that when Mr. Trump ran for the highest office in the land, he was already thinking about how his organization (as well as his family) could financially benefit from his influence, business knowledge, and financial expertise. Read this Washington Post article, and you be the judge.

Beloved, think about it! If we had been in his shoes, would we not have thought and done the same?

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
