K -12: Ten Lies The Educational Establishment Tell You

After reading this American Thinker article regarding ten lies teachers tell you, this writer believes the title should read: "Ten Lies The Educational Establishment Tell You"; i.e., the bureaucrats. Folks, teachers only go along with the educational bureaucrats in charge because they want to keep their teaching jobs.

Note the following two paragraphs from the above article and the words in bold print:

Our Education Establishment, in its dedication to falsity, is almost superhuman.  After all these years, these people are still pushing the same inferior theories and methods.  Their gimmicks are disproven by almost all research and experience.  These faux reading experts can do nothing but build a case on lies.
The Education Establishment tells these lies because its partisans know that the public wants desperately to believe they are true.  The educrats are happy to let you have your illusions, as these are the intellectual basis for their dumbing down of America.

Note the above key words being "gimmicks" and "illusions" (true teachers don't need either one).

The solution is found in the last paragraph: "Get rid of sight-words ..... Make phonics the default method for reading instruction." Additionally, both parents and teachers need to instill in children a love for reading (see here and here). Reading is one of the keys to understanding the Bible or any other book (see here). And as I stated in this article, "motivating children to read at an early age, should be priority number one for any preschool, elementary school teacher, or parent" (emphasis mine).

Beloved, one of the reasons why young people are not reading my blog articles (and most are only one page in length) is simply because they have not been taught a love for reading. I'm thankful and blessed that my fourth grade reading teacher (Ms. Allen) instilled in me a love for reading. May God bless all teachers and parents who instill in their students and children the same kind of love.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
