The Hard "Fall" Of Jerry Falwell, Jr.

As I read this The American Conservative article regarding the recent "fall" of Jerry Falwell, Jr. and his wife because of a sordid affair they were having with a pool boy (also see here), I immediately thought of the following three truths he and his wife should have thought of before engaging in such a sin:

1) The spiritual principle found in Galations 6:7-8 still holds true (see article).

2) There are negatives attached to "the pleasure portal" (see here).

3) What is the going price for our soul? (see here).

Beloved, when Jerry Falwell, Jr. and his wife disregarded the above three truths, their "fall" was indeed a hard one.

If we as Christians disregard the above three truths and sin, our "fall" will be a hard one as well (Matthew 7:24-27 -- see commentary).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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