The young lady brought up the subject of baptism in our discussion and what was required of an individual before undergoing that God-ordained burial act in water (Acts 8:26-39. I plainly told her that she would have to willingly give up all of her vices -- see article ("deny self" -- Matthew 17:25; Luke 9:23).
She responded by stating that she was not willing to give up any of her vices because she was still relatively young (32 years of age) and still wanted to "sow her wild oats" (see definition) before making that decision (here is the problem with her statement).
Sadly, her mind was made up, we concluded our conversation, and she remained in her sinful state (see article).
Beloved, regarding any vices that we might have acquired along life's way, the bottom line is this: If we don't pick them up, we won't have to put them down. This spiritual principle needs to be taught to our young children while they are still spiritually receptive. Note this old maxim here.
Also note the aspects of the word "habit" (see here)
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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