When Will Americans No Longer Sit, Stay, And Roll Over?

 After reading this American Thinker article, and its accurate and graphic description of our society's fear factor (see herehere, and here) caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and after much misinformation from governments around the world regarding the virus, and after "Local government officials have grown ever more addicted to and drunk on power ..... by training Americans like dogs to Sit, Stay, and Roll Over" ..... this writer is wondering when will Americans no longer sit, stay, and roll over?

Prayerfully, it will be sooner rather than later.

In addition to the above article, the Comment Section is also well worth our viewing. I especially enjoyed the honesty found in Alecto's comment:

"The Sheep in this country are bred, not born. They are the result of decades of public/government indoctrination efforts. The sooner parents are free to send their children to the school of their choice, the sooner the indoctrinated goon squads will disappear."

Beloved, let's cease being worldly sheep and be willing to take a "stand" in doing what we know is right, and that includes the church as well (see here). 

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
