"Why Isn't Personal Finance Taught In The Public School System?"

As I read the above titled "American Thinker" article here by author Larry Alton, the answer to the above question is quite simple. Our government wants to dumb down its citizens ("keep them down on the farm"; i.e., keep them ignorant for as long as possible), simply because it's easier to control the population that way. Simply put, government does not encourage people to possess critical thinking skills (those folks who can actually "think" for themselves -- see video).

Look at the statistics (and the ensuing linked articles) in the above "American Thinker" article, and see if the above thoughts are not true. For example, take the "Common Core" indoctrination of our children in the public school systems of America (see here and here). Make no mistake, Common Core "is a workforce-development model, not an educational model." And certainly, not a biblical literacy model (see here). As Mr. Alton points out in his good article: "Sound personal finance habits are seemingly absent in America today. From a top-down perspective, it seems pretty clear that a lack of financial literacy is at least partially to blame."

This writer thankfully learned "sound personal finance habits" in a business oriented 11th grade high school class in Olton, Texas back in 1960, by an instructor who not only taught established business principles, but saving principles (see here, here, and here), as well as typing and Gregg shorthand skills.

For the past two years, this writer  has used a simple, pre-formatted Excel spreadsheet, which provides me (1) Monthly Cash Available; (2) Total Income; and (3) Total Expenses. By inserting all of my receipt expenses throughout the month, I can tell at a glance, my total income, my total expenses, and how much cash is available at the end of every month. Then, I can make sensible adjustments in my spending habits, cutting back on things I may not actually need, i.e., wants versus needs (see here).

Beloved, this is the way by which we can not only gain financial independence, but also the way to be a good steward of what God has graciously provided us throughout our lives (see here, here, here and here). See an eye-opening NBC news article here and a YouTube video here.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
