Because Of This Coronavirus Pandemic

This American Thinker article by writer, Anthony J. Ciani, explains what the "real" purpose is behind the coronavirus pandemic; i.e., the mask wearing, the social distancing, and the "sheltering-in-place" edicts.

In the above article, the following two questions are asked: "Do health and safety trump liberty and freedom, and must we sacrifice one for the other?"

To ask the above two questions is to answer the questions.

Because of this coronavirus pandemic, socialism (also see herehere, here, and here) already has one liberal foot inside the door of our once great nation. November 3rd will determine if the other foot gets inside the door.

From the above analysis, the following is this writer's words of wisdom:

Beloved, let us educate ourselves on what's happening in the world around us (see here and here) and vote wisely on November 3rd.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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