Healthy People And The Wearing Of Masks

 In this OAN article (this OAN article has since been removed) it states: "A small group of medical experts from around the country are speaking out against misinformation on the coronavirus. The doctors gathered on the Supreme Court steps in the nation’s capitol Saturday morning to inform Americans not to be afraid of the virus."

A quote from the above article: "These doctors argued masks do not help curb the spread of the virus (see article). In fact, they said the masks are socially divisive and pose a threat to civil liberties as well as national security (see AT article). However, they assert doctors in America are capable of treating COVID-19 and early treatment is key."

So this writer's question is, Why in the world are healthy people in our society still forced to wear masks?

There's only one answer: Control over the minds of people. not allowing them to freely think for themselves and make their own decisions.

One more observation: We meet fear with faith -- see the contrast and then see article).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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