10 Reasons Your Top Talent Will Leave You

Leadership guru, Mike Myatt, provides us with a very interesting article this morning, emphasizing the fact that the top talent of an organization will more than likely leave that organization because of the following 10 reasons:

1) You Failed To Unleash Their Passions
2) You Failed To Challenge Their Intellect
3) You Failed To Engage Their Creativity
4) You Failed To Develop Their Skills
5) You Failed To Give Them A Voice
6) You Failed To Care
7) You Failed To Lead
8) You Failed To Recognize Their Contributions
9) You Failed To Increase Their Responsibility
10) You Failed To Keep Your Commitments

Beloved, could we not make application of the above 10 reasons in the Lord's church? Could it be that failure to make application of the above 10 reasons are some of the reasons why the Lord's church has declined in membership over the past 60+ years?

Let's seriously think about the above thoughts and then do what we can to change the status quo (Acts 17:5-9).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
