"A Stitch In Time Saves Nine"

When growing up as a child, my grandmother would repeat the above titled idiom to me. There are various definitions as to the meaning of the idiom (see here and here), but with regard to the sewing of material (which my grandmother frequently did at an old Singer sewing machine), it simply means that sowing an efficient stitch the first time, will hopefully prevent the garment from tearing and thus save nine stitches later to repair it.

My late father stated it another way. He would tell me, "Mike, whatever you do, do it right the first time, and then you won't have to take the time and energy to it right a second, third, or forth time."

The above idiom promotes the spirit of excellence in anything one does.

The bottom line is that God demands excellence from His followers. No mediocrity allowed! Also, see articles here and here.

Why? Because God gave us heaven's best in the form of His sinless Son (Hebrews 4:15; 9:27-28; 1 Peter 2:18-22; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21), and thus He expects nothing less than our best.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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