Making Application Of The Golden Rule

When delivering the mail to a set of postal boxes on my block this morning, my postal carrier found a car parked next to the postal boxes, thus causing him to have to walk from his vehicle to the boxes in order to sort the mail to the correct recipients.

The postal carrier informed me that he had left an attached note on the parked car, asking them not to park next to any postal boxes. He stated that if the car continued to be parked next to the postal boxes, the Postal Service might temporarily withdraw delivery service until the problem is corrected (see here).

This would mean that residents on my block would have to go to a local Post Office facility in order to pick up their mail, causing a great inconvenience.

Using our observation skills, plus a little common sense, will tell us not to obstruct a set of postal boxes.

Beloved, let us make application of the Golden Rule in this case, not selfishly thinking of only ourselves, but thinking of other folks as well (Philippians 2:1-4 NLT).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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