In the current edition of the Christian publication, Magnolia Messenger, is another excellent above titled article on page #3 and continuing on page #14, written by Cecil May, Jr., Dean Emeritus; College of Biblical Studies; Faulkner University.
In his response to the above titled question, Bro. May lists the following six Bible-based reasons as to why sex before marriage is a sin, providing appropriate authoritative scriptures after each reason:
1) Because God said so.
2) Because God wants what is best for us.
3) Because sex outside of marriage dishonors the purpose for which God made us sexual beings.
4) Because sex outside of marriage dishonors one's marriage partner.
5) Because sex outside of marriage dishonors oneself.
6) Because sex outside of marriage dishonors God.
Toward the end of the article, the question is asked: "If one has already had sex outside of marriage, what then?" Bro. May provides a biblical solution for folks who have succumbed to the temptation of engaging in sex before marriage. Because of Bro. May 's excellent self-explanatory biblical answers, there is no need for this writer to further comment on any of the above reasons or question.
In his ending remarks, Bro. May emphasizes the following need for all Christians, whether married or single: "Keep yourself pure" (1 Timothy 5:22) and "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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In his response to the above titled question, Bro. May lists the following six Bible-based reasons as to why sex before marriage is a sin, providing appropriate authoritative scriptures after each reason:
1) Because God said so.
2) Because God wants what is best for us.
3) Because sex outside of marriage dishonors the purpose for which God made us sexual beings.
4) Because sex outside of marriage dishonors one's marriage partner.
5) Because sex outside of marriage dishonors oneself.
6) Because sex outside of marriage dishonors God.
Toward the end of the article, the question is asked: "If one has already had sex outside of marriage, what then?" Bro. May provides a biblical solution for folks who have succumbed to the temptation of engaging in sex before marriage. Because of Bro. May 's excellent self-explanatory biblical answers, there is no need for this writer to further comment on any of the above reasons or question.
In his ending remarks, Bro. May emphasizes the following need for all Christians, whether married or single: "Keep yourself pure" (1 Timothy 5:22) and "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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