American Thinker writer, Selwyn Duke, mentions the above quoted phrase three times in this article regarding Texas church shooter and militant atheist, Devin Patrick Kelley. Mr. Duke asks this question .... "is it possible a straight line can be drawn between atheism (the belief) and increasing crime and immorality?"
After reading Romans 1:16-32 NET, the obvious answer to the above question is a resounding "yes"! Mr. Duke interestingly points out that serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer once said to his parents as a teen, “If there’s no God, why can’t I just make up my own rules?” This is exactly what people did when they no longer had a king, i.e., a ruling authority (Judges 17:6; 21:25). As was brought out in Mr. Duke's above article: "If God does not exist, everything is permitted."
When a nation of people no longer abide by the rule of law (whether governmental or God's law) , societal chaos and ruin is the result (Isaiah 1:1-9). Do we want chaos, or the God of order and power?Atheism is brought about when the so-called intellectuals present the false idea that truth is relative and subjective (see article) rather than absolute (John 4:24; 17:17).
In his article, Mr. Duke states this false Calvinist premise: "Silence on moral matters would be fine if man by nature were angelic. But by nature, he’s barbaric — and he remains so unless some civilizing agency enters the equation." We know from the biblical record, that man is not by nature "barbaric" but rather is made in God's image, i.e., "upright" (Genesis 1:26-27; Ecclesiastes 7:29 NET). And that everything that God created (including man), was "very good" (Genesis 1:31).
God has also given man free moral agency to "choose" to either obey man's false ideologies or God's absolute truth (Joshua 24:14-15). God doesn't force anyone to obey Him (see article), but there are consequences if an individual doesn't (cf. 1 Samuel 15; 2 Samuel 11;12:1-23).
Beloved, as Mr. Duke points out in his closing remarks: "Ideas have consequences" -- indeed they do Mr. Duke! (Romans 6:23; Galations 6:7-8). "Be careful what you believe --- and what you espouse" (Matthew 12:22-37 - see article).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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