The solution is ingrained in the above headed words located in the last paragraph of Mr. Thomas' above article. To which this writer can add "Amen and "Amen"! And as Mr. Thomas so ably brings out, "because of our desire to elevate human "wisdom" and determine truth for ourselves while at the same time ignoring God's wisdom and His eternal truths, we have become blind to what is sin, or "evil."
Jeremiah 10:23 immediately comes to mind as well as the warning found in Isaiah 5:20: "O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps" (see the contrasting scripture here); "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (How about overcoming evil with good?).
Before we can successfully encourage a culture that embraces the eternal truths of our Almighty God, we must be willing to change the minds of people, by encouraging them to get back to the Bible, to God, and to moral sanity (see here) in order for that culture to exist. Teaching both children and adults to be responsible, i.e., having responsible people setting responsible priorities, is the only means by which we can generate a societal culture that will embrace the eternal truths of our Almighty God.
Beloved, the Bible has solutions to all societal problems. The question is, are we willing to implement them?
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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