On Tipping And Smart Phone Addiction

According to this The Texas Tribune article, "To make a living wage in Texas, a single adult would have to earn $11.03 an hour, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Living Wage Calculator." The above figure is $2.70 per hour more than this writer makes living on Social Security, but I'm still living well, simply because of employing the biblical principle of frugality, i.e., stewardship (see here and here).

The above article continues talking about the fact that Texas has not increased their minimum wage rate of $7.25-per-hour (as 30 other states already have), and that restaurant servers only receive a minimum wage of $2.13 an hour (scroll down to bold print heading entitled, "Bar Owner: It's a slave wage" -- and indeed it is!). I know this wage amount is true, because my reliable restaurant server who serves me breakfast at this restaurant every Monday morning (and keeps my coffee hot and my cup filled), tells me that it is.

The above "slave wage" (caused by sheer greed) is the reason for customers to give generous tips to restaurant servers who willingly go the extra mile in serving their customers. What this writer gives, regarding the tipping of restaurant servers, is not based on the percentages found at the bottom of the meal receipt (that's the tip minimum), but on the two biblical principles found here and here. God will always return back to us more than we give (Proverbs 19:17; Malachi 3:10; Luke 6:38 - see article), so once again, we need to give generously to those servers who go the extra mile (see article). Beloved, we just can't outgive God (John 3:16 - see article).

While taking my morning walk, I noticed a young lady walking with her two dogs (of the Heinz 57 variety). She had both dogs on leashes, but the leashes wouldn't have been necessary, had she trained them as this elderly gentleman had trained his two small dogs with discipline and direction. Another problem this young lady had was her almost constant checking of her smartphone (an addiction no less), causing her and her dogs to not have the relaxed morning walking experience they could have had with one another.

And what's the cure to smartphone addiction you ask? See here.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
