When these forces took prayer and the reading of the Bible out of our public schools in 1962 (see here), our society began to slowly ebb away from the Book (the Bible - God's instruction manual for getting us from earth to heaven).
When we get away from the Book, our society (or any society) gradually becomes more like the society found during the days of the Roman Empire (see here) or in the first century A.D. (Romans 1:18-32 NLT).
If the devil can successfully keep us away from the Book, here is what will happen (along with some spiritual insights).
What's the solution to prevent the devil from carrying out his evil scheme of keeping mankind away from the Book and ignorant of its contents?
That our whole society quickly get back to the Bible, to God, and to moral sanity! (see here and here). Note the biblical example of Nineveh's turnaround back to God in Jonah 3 after Jonah's mighty (and obviously convincing) preaching of God's Word (see here).
Beloved, a religious revival is desperately needed in our nation in order to get us "back to the Book." But that won't happen until the money runs out, and like the society of ancient Nineveh, our society humbly turns back to God.
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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