Are We Using Technology In The Name Of Convenience Or Just Pure Laziness?

With our ever-expanding mobile technology (see article), our society is seemingly becoming more lazy, all in the name of "convenience." According to this Business Insider article, Walmart employees will soon be able to deliver groceries directly to home refrigerators, using smart lock technology that is controlled by a mobile phone (see YouTube video).

Workers will drive in Walmart-branded cars, wearing body cameras so customers can watch them remotely while they are inside their homes (see YouTube video).

In this writer's view, the above technology will more than likely only be available to those families who can financially afford to live in a smart home. And as I wrote and asked in this article, will this latest technology make our lives more productive, or will we become more lazy and less trusting as a society? And just where does the word "work" fit into the above picture? (see here).

Beloved, after reading all of the above articles, you be the judge.

This writer shops for his own groceries every Monday morning after having breakfast here with my Christian friends. Folks, if I'm too lazy to buy my own groceries and put them in my refrigerator, then I deserve to go hungry (see here). The only exception would be if I were physically limited or handicapped in some way (see here).

Let's think about it!

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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