A "Convenient God"

Two or three generations ago the vast majority of Americans believed in the one true and living God, Whose existence the universe declares (Psa. 19: 1–2) and Whose nature and will the Bible reveals (2 Tim. 3:16–17). These percentages have steadily changed so that most of our countrymen now give little thought to God in any sincere way.

The bulk of professed believers seem little more than “practical atheists.” They live as though God does not exist, but they want always to keep God handy, just in case they might need Him. Otherwise, they obviously care nothing for His and His Son’s Divine will. They don’t want to be bothered with any of His mandates, laws, commandments, rules, or restrictions, clearly set forth in the Bible. “Yes, God and Jesus, I believe in You, but don’t get in the way of my drinking, shooting up drugs, fornicating, lying, stealing, fighting, or anything else I want to do.”

The most common mention of God nowadays is not in pulpits by preachers. He is now “memorialized” several million times a day in the irreverent, blasphemous, vulgar exclamation, “Oh my God!” Clearly, those who thus mouth God’s name do not do so with any intent to honor or exalt that high and holy appellation. Rather, they seem utterly unaware (and unconcerned) that they are even referring to the Almighty in this exercise in profanity. Such ignoble folk treat the name of Jesus with similar flippancy. These expressions trivialize and dishonor these sacred names, which stand for Deity.

Many find it convenient to invoke God’s name in order to feign piety, which they do not possess. Some speak of God or Jesus to enhance reputation or career. “I’m praying for you” falls all too easily from the lips of many who don’t know the meaning of prayer and whose lives testify that they care nothing for God, if they even believe in Him. It is disgusting to hear an irreligious, sacrilegious, or downright hedonistic congressman or president piously say, “God bless you” or “God bless America.” Such political pandering and posturing might be amusing were it not so nauseating. They thus invoke God’s name as a convenient means to further their vain and selfish ends. These behaviors are but symptoms of the awful moral and spiritual apostasy that characterizes our nation today.

Men will be held accountable for the everlasting principle: “Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Jehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” (Exo. 20:7). “Using” God as a “convenience” for our selfish ends will be justly, appropriately rewarded. ---Dub McClish, TheScripturecache.com

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
