In reading history, there is no doubt in this writer's mind that socialism/communism is always raising its ugly head on the horizon of human extinction. As author Bruce Deitrick Price adroitly points out in this American Thinker article regarding George Orwell's 1984 (see overview):
"Orwell is particularly brilliant at describing the people who run this Slave New World. The one thing required of Party members is enthusiasm. They must be mindless, gung-ho hacks. The job of schools is to produce such people ...... It's important to mention that not every socialist idea is intrinsically bad. The problem is that communists never know when to stop. They could start with apple pie and Mother and end up with gulags."
Mr. Price then brings forth the following important point regarding history and those dictatorial folks who have wanted nothing more than absolute power, i.e., the one world government folks:
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The only solution is to make sure no one has absolute power."
Mr. Price then concludes his article by stating an important truism (that is not a joke if one looks at history) and an Orwellian insight:
"A joke circulating on internet sums up our dilemma: Words might pull you into socialism, but you'll need a gun to fight your way out."
Orwell is famous for this scary insight: "In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Let's all be revolutionaries.
Yes indeed Mr. Price. Regarding the telling of truth (see here, here, and here), "Let's all be revolutionaries."
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
"Orwell is particularly brilliant at describing the people who run this Slave New World. The one thing required of Party members is enthusiasm. They must be mindless, gung-ho hacks. The job of schools is to produce such people ...... It's important to mention that not every socialist idea is intrinsically bad. The problem is that communists never know when to stop. They could start with apple pie and Mother and end up with gulags."
Mr. Price then brings forth the following important point regarding history and those dictatorial folks who have wanted nothing more than absolute power, i.e., the one world government folks:
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The only solution is to make sure no one has absolute power."
Mr. Price then concludes his article by stating an important truism (that is not a joke if one looks at history) and an Orwellian insight:
"A joke circulating on internet sums up our dilemma: Words might pull you into socialism, but you'll need a gun to fight your way out."
Orwell is famous for this scary insight: "In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Let's all be revolutionaries.
Yes indeed Mr. Price. Regarding the telling of truth (see here, here, and here), "Let's all be revolutionaries."
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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