The Superiority Of Capitalism Over Socialism — A Bible Illustration

Capitalism versus Socialism can be compared by using a simple Bible illustration found in the Parable of the Ten Virgins (five wise and five foolish). Parables are earthly stories with a heavenly or spiritual meaning that teaches a religious or moral lesson (see here).

As we read the thirteen verse parable here, we immediately see the benefit of personal preparation. The foolish virgins took no oil with them for their lamps (vs. 3) while the wise virgins had oil in containers for their lamps (vs. 4). As the bridegroom was delayed, both sets of virgins "all slumbered and slept" (vs. 5).

When the bridegroom was announced as being on his way at midnight (vs. 6), both the foolish and wise virgins awoke and trimmed their lamps (vs. 7). When the foolish unprepared virgins noticed their oil was depleted (lamps going out), they wanted some oil from the wise virgins who had prepared for the event, i.e. the wedding (vs. 8, 10). Note that the wise virgins told the foolish virgins, "but go rather to those who sell (those who are productive and have a work ethic, i.e. capitalism) and buy for yourselves" (vs. 9). In other words, be responsible to "buy" your own oil ..... nothing is "free" via gov't handouts using hard-working taxpayer's money, i.e., socialism).

Thus, from the above Bible illustration, we can immediately see the superiority of capitalism (private ownership gained by hard work) over (government controlled hand-out) socialism. See a chart comparison here. The results reveal that the capitalists (five wise virgins who were prepared and earned the right) were allowed entry into the wedding where the bridegroom was, while the socialists (five foolish unprepared virgins) were not allowed entry, i.e., "the door was shut" (vs. 10).

Now in all honesty beloved, which of the two above groups would we rather find ourselves in?

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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