Can America Bounce Back?

As I was reading this above titled American Thinker article by Anthony C. Ciani this morning, my eyes focused on MacTheLife's good comments in the comments section:

"All of this madness, the trillions of dollars wasted, the jobs destroyed, the kids with no little league and no friends to play with, is the direct result of the pure arrogance of government deciding it is better than God at fighting germs. All of this is due to the pure arrogance of throwing away every bit of what mankind had learned till now about how to live life while hopefully surviving the annual flu viruses that are always around the bend.

We used to put stock in the intelligence of the people to deal with these things, with their family doctor and to keep living. People of faith exercised common sense knowing that in life every day contains the chance that we will die from something which should focus our minds on what comes next, and God's plan for us. But this year every bit of common sense and faith in God was thrown in the trash by our entire political class and replaced with faith in government scientists and politicians and bureaucrats who together would create a better solution than God did. Pure unadulterated arrogance and ignorance and power mad insanity combined. And thus we are stuck with all of this because "arrogance" never admits a mistake. So, Social Distance was brilliant and will be evermore. Do not question it or your food card will not be issued."

Beloved, the question should not be can America bounce back, but does God want America to bounce back after throwing Him out of our society about three generations ago? (Romans 1:18-32see here).

Only when our godless hell-bent society chooses to do what the ancient Ninevites did (see here) in returning to the God of heaven and earth (see here and here), will American society (or any society) "bounce back."

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
