Great Things Were Never Achieved By Fearful Men Or Women

In my evening walk, I observed two women walking their dogs on the other side of the street. Both were wearing coronavirus masks in almost 100 degree heat (yes, we are experiencing a heat wave in El Paso - see here).

Beloved, there are dangers in wearing a face mask for prolonged periods of time (see here and see highlighted paragraph #3 here). Thus the use of common sense needs to be employed (see AT article).

Did you know that great things were never achieved by fearful men or women? (see Numbers 13-14; Joshua 14 and see article). This is why that of all people, Christians need not be fearful to "launch out" in obedient faith (see Luke 5:1-11 - see commentary and note the phrase, "Do not be afraid" in vs. 10.

Beloved, Christians need to meet fear with faith (see here), knowing that "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (see article and Romans 8:31; cf. Numbers 14:9).  

Also note Romans 8:28 and this article.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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