In this BBC article entitled, "Are we in the midst of a touch crisis?".....the point is brought out that "For those who like touch, their well-being levels were higher if they had been touched recently." The sad results of the COVID-19 lockdowns regarding families is that [quote]: "While you might expect families who spent a lot of time together in lockdown (see article) to have more opportunity than usual to comfort each other physically, Field found that only a fifth of parents said they were hugging, holding and kissing their children more."
Beloved, the bottom line is this: God created human beings — not to be socially distanced, but to be gregarious people. Our society's lack of connection with other people, is causing a lack of empathy and trust. Without these characteristics, the saving gospel of Christ becomes more difficult to promote in a world filled with hatred and distrust.
Let's seriously "think" about the above thoughts and then become a more gregarious people by getting out of our houses and loving our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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