Lolly Daskal, President and CEO of Lead from Within, a global consultancy firm, provides us with this above titled article, underscoring the fact that "likable people are humble enough to know that they are not better than anyone else, but they are wise enough to know they are different from the rest."
From the above article, the following are 16 secrets to being exceptionally likable:
From the above article, the following are 16 secrets to being exceptionally likable:
- Likable people are confident.
- Likable people are inquisitive.
- Likable people are genuine.
- Likable people don't judge.
- Likable people are about adding value.
- Likable people don't need to be center of attention.
- Likable people are trustworthy (see article).
- Likable people have a positive mindset.
- Likable people are disciplined.
- Likable people know how to connect.
- Likable people are great listeners (see article/video).
- Likable people don't give unsolicited advice.
- Likable people have a positive attitude.
- Likable people don't make comparisons.
- Likable people take responsibility.
- Likable people practice being present.
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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