When This Writer Reads Articles Like This

When this writer reads articles like this USA article regarding Congressional staffers flocking to sexual harassment training and this article, I just shake my head in disbelief and realize just how true the statement found in Jeremiah 10:23 is: "O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps."

This sexual harassment problem extends to the news media folks as well (I'm wondering if they will undergo the same type of training?). Folks, there's a biblical cure, not only for sexual harassment, but for bullying as well (which goes hand in hand with the sexual harassment problem), and any other type of harassment.

The "training" begins at an early age (see here and here), not when children become young adults (it's far too late then!). But even at the adult stage, there still is a biblical cure. How about making application of the Golden Rule (the only "selfless" rule) found in Matthew 7:12 ..... and the inspired apostle Paul's spiritual principle found in Philippians 2:1-4; cf. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5) .... and then incorporate into our thinking these things.

But beyond all of the above, how about caring and loving parents teaching their children about modesty and decorum (see here and here); about modesty and the 3-D's; and oh yes, how about making a covenant with our eyes? (applies to both men and women). Then looking in the mirror as we dress each morning, and looking in God's mirror as well.

All of the above presented scriptures and spiritual principles, will cover just about every gamut of human behavior. The question is, do we really want to make spiritual application of them in our lives and everyday living? For if we don't willingly make personal spiritual changes to our life and way of thinking (it won't make any difference how much "training" Congressional staffers undergo), God's eternal principle of sowing and reaping will take effect (Galations 6:7-8) and woe unto us on Judgment Day (see here and here).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
