"Without Discipline In Schools, There Is No Education"

As I was reading this American Thinker article this morning, regarding author David Solway's reason for leaving the teaching profession, my eyes scanned to the following comment in the comment section by rodguy911: "Without discipline in schools, there is no education."

Some reasons for the lack of discipline, is caused by defective early schooling, poor parenting, resulting in widespread permissiveness. The 2-D's are vastly needed not only in the educational establishment, but in the home (see here) as well (note "poor parenting" above).

With the abdication of responsibility regarding the important role of a father (see article), along with the rampant divorce rate in our society, it's no wonder that the lack of discipline in children is taking a toll on our nation's educational infrastructure.

What's the solution to the above lack of discipline and direction that we find in young people today? We desperately need strong families, made up of godly parents and grandparents who are willing to point their children to Jesus --  fathers who are willing to follow the instructions provided in Proverbs 22:6 (see here) -- fathers who are committed to the spiritual training of their children.

Without discipline, direction, and spiritual instruction in the home (where education really begins - see here), our children will be receiving nothing but the leftovers of a negligent and non-caring society.

Beloved, is this the legacy we want to leave our children and grandchildren?

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
