This morning on the website here, there is a poll asking the following question: "Which step (out of four steps) would be most effective to prevent mass shootings?" Out of 695,653 responses, 33 percent said improving mental health treatment; 42 percent said more limits on assault weapons; 22 percent said better enforcement of existing gun laws; and 3 percent said relaxing existing gun laws.
Folks, none of the above steps will solve the problem, because it's not the guns that are the problem with mass shootings. It's the breakdown of the family unit that is the source of the problem (see here). Over the past three generations, the breakdown of the family unit has occurred, because the mainstay of that family unit, i.e., the Bible, has been tossed out of our society and out of our homes. In its place have come damning human ideologies, i.e., secular humanism, that will only produce an ungodly society (Romans 1:16-32 NET), including the children produced by such a society (note vs. 30 - "disobedient to parents").
The proper training of children can only occur when biblical guidelines are followed (see here) and discipline and direction by loving and concerned parents are provided. And regarding our nation's schools, without proper discipline in those schools, there will be no education (see here); only chaos will reign, resulting in our schools becoming war zones (as we are seeing and have seen in the past). As Noah Webster once correctly stated, "Education is useless without the Bible."
What's the overall solution to resolving our society's ills? As this writer has stated many times on this blog, get back to the Bible, to God, and to moral sanity (see here and here).
Beloved, the Bible has solutions to every problem that man will ever experience. The question is, are we willing to implement the solutions? (see here). Or do we blindly continue down the same ungodly path (Proverbs 14:12; 3:5-6 - note contrast), somehow expecting different results? (see here).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
Folks, none of the above steps will solve the problem, because it's not the guns that are the problem with mass shootings. It's the breakdown of the family unit that is the source of the problem (see here). Over the past three generations, the breakdown of the family unit has occurred, because the mainstay of that family unit, i.e., the Bible, has been tossed out of our society and out of our homes. In its place have come damning human ideologies, i.e., secular humanism, that will only produce an ungodly society (Romans 1:16-32 NET), including the children produced by such a society (note vs. 30 - "disobedient to parents").
The proper training of children can only occur when biblical guidelines are followed (see here) and discipline and direction by loving and concerned parents are provided. And regarding our nation's schools, without proper discipline in those schools, there will be no education (see here); only chaos will reign, resulting in our schools becoming war zones (as we are seeing and have seen in the past). As Noah Webster once correctly stated, "Education is useless without the Bible."
What's the overall solution to resolving our society's ills? As this writer has stated many times on this blog, get back to the Bible, to God, and to moral sanity (see here and here).
Beloved, the Bible has solutions to every problem that man will ever experience. The question is, are we willing to implement the solutions? (see here). Or do we blindly continue down the same ungodly path (Proverbs 14:12; 3:5-6 - note contrast), somehow expecting different results? (see here).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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