As Michael Daush writes in the comments section of the above American Thinker article:
"So, you cite that societies problems are tied to the idea of too much technology running our daily lives. And....your solution is we better fix the problem with more technology. Hmmmmm. Better that we turn off the TV's, get our faces out of our smart phones and start living again. spend more time outside, take walks in the woods, grow a garden."
To which this writer responds with an "Amen and Amen!"
In addition to the above ending comments of turning off the TV's, etc., the following are three far more important ways to "start living again" for us and our families: (1) willingly "come to the table" ..... spending quality time together effectively communicating face-to-face with one another (see here and here); (2) spending quality time on a daily basis, "in conference" with God; and (3) engaging in "daily" Bible study (Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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