Our Changing World And Some Observations

After looking at this USA Today article, listing America's 25 dying industries, there's no doubt in this writer's mind that time changes all things. But does time change all things for the betterment of mankind?

The authors of the above article state: "Nearly every industry is the U.S. economy is subject to the powerful and often unpredictable forces of the free market. In recent years, globalization and technological advancements have fundamentally changed the U.S. economic landscape. For better or worse, industries that at one time seemed unassailable now appear to be hanging by a thread."

With the advent and innovation brought about by technology, there's no question that "technological advancements have fundamentally changed the U.S. economic landscape." But at what cost will this change bring about? Not only the cost of much needed jobs, but who is going to perform the technology jobs of the future, when we are turning out graduates in our present day broken educational system (also see here) who are functionally illiterate, such as the Millennials (see here and here)? And not only functionally illiterate in the secular world, but in the spiritual realm as well, causing a dramatic decrease in church attendance, even to the point of people no longer believing in the God of creation (Acts 17:22-30 - see article).

Last and certainly not least, what's going to happen to our society if the Internet (which most, if not all commerce will totally rely on in the future - see USA Today article above) suddenly were to become non-functional because of some hacker (either foreign or domestic - see here). Or what would happen if the enemies of our nation suddenly shut down the power grid? (see here and here).

In this writer's view, what our society immediately needs more than anything else, is a major spiritual revival, getting back to the Bible, to God, and to moral sanity. Because of this nation's affluence, God may allow this nation to once again experience another economic downturn not unlike The Great Depression (see article) in order to achieve this spiritual revival (note Deuteronomy 8). Beloved, we need to not only seriously consider the above statements and scriptures, but seriously pray, "Lord revive us again" (Psalm 85:6) and let the spiritual revival begin with me (and you).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
