Quoting from the above Global News article, "CDC officials did not speculate about what’s behind declining life expectancy, but Dr. William Dietz, a disease prevention expert at George Washington University, sees a sense of hopelessness. Financial struggles, a widening income gap and divisive politics are all casting a pall over many Americans, he suggested. "I really do believe that people are increasingly hopeless, and that that leads to drug use, it leads potentially to suicide."
"A sense of hopelessness" occurs when man goes his own way instead of going God's way (Jeremiah 18:11-12 - that's "the road less traveled"). The biblical solution to hopelessness is to put our trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-10), Who is our hope (1 Timothy 1:1). And not only our hope, but our "lively hope" because of His resurrection from the dead (1 Peter 1:3 - see here).
Obeying the commandments of the Lord and His salvation plan (Romans 6:16-18) is prerequisite for acquiring this kind of hope (1 John 2:1-6; cf. John 14:15,21,23). The question is, will we willingly obey?
The biblical solution to government waste (see article), is to simply stop spending ourselves into financial oblivion (see here) on unnecessary pork barrel spending (see article) and become good stewards of the material goods that Almighty God has blessed our nation with (see here, here, and here) --- frugality being the key element (see here).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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