While taking my morning walk, there was a young woman running on the other side of the sidewalk that I was walking on. Along with her tennis shoes, she was wearing nothing more than shorts and a t-shirt, while I was wearing a hat, coat and gloves (it was 48 degrees at 10:30 a.m.). Perhaps they would put on some clothes if the degree was 50 degrees below zero.
I asked myself, "Why do women want to expose themselves?" (see here and here). Is it in their DNA (see #2)? Is it because they need constant attention? Is it the money factor? What exactly is their reason for their desired exposure for all to see?
The following two articles provided me some answers to my above questions and this growing phenomenon: See The Guardian article and the WND article.
In the above first article, the author's answer is that "the body is a feminist issue ..... it was about being comfortable in my skin as an older woman who continues to see herself as a sexual being, regardless of cultural messages to the contrary." In the second article, the author's answer is twofold. The number one reason is "equality." Quote: "By equality, I do not mean the belief that men and women are equal human beings, a belief that all decent people hold. Rather, I mean the feminist and politically correct definition of equality: sameness. Men and women have come to be regarded as the same, not simply as equals." The number two reason is, "the death of femininity" (see here). Femininity is "a value that feminism has sought to extinguish."
To this writer, it looks like some women and men are in equal rebellion to God's established modesty norms (see here and here). Beloved, both females and males (whether young or old) need to be taught that "immodesty is a contributor to lust." The realization that we have been "bought at a price" .... that price being the shed blood of Christ (Acts 20:28; Hebrews 9:11-14; Revelation 5:9), should cause us (both women and men) to want to "glorify God" both in our body and spirit "which are God's" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - see article), rather than to expose our God-created body for folks to lust after.
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
I asked myself, "Why do women want to expose themselves?" (see here and here). Is it in their DNA (see #2)? Is it because they need constant attention? Is it the money factor? What exactly is their reason for their desired exposure for all to see?
The following two articles provided me some answers to my above questions and this growing phenomenon: See The Guardian article and the WND article.
In the above first article, the author's answer is that "the body is a feminist issue ..... it was about being comfortable in my skin as an older woman who continues to see herself as a sexual being, regardless of cultural messages to the contrary." In the second article, the author's answer is twofold. The number one reason is "equality." Quote: "By equality, I do not mean the belief that men and women are equal human beings, a belief that all decent people hold. Rather, I mean the feminist and politically correct definition of equality: sameness. Men and women have come to be regarded as the same, not simply as equals." The number two reason is, "the death of femininity" (see here). Femininity is "a value that feminism has sought to extinguish."
To this writer, it looks like some women and men are in equal rebellion to God's established modesty norms (see here and here). Beloved, both females and males (whether young or old) need to be taught that "immodesty is a contributor to lust." The realization that we have been "bought at a price" .... that price being the shed blood of Christ (Acts 20:28; Hebrews 9:11-14; Revelation 5:9), should cause us (both women and men) to want to "glorify God" both in our body and spirit "which are God's" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - see article), rather than to expose our God-created body for folks to lust after.
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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