Continuous COVID-19 Mandates Produce Negative Consequences

 As this writer read this KFOX14 article regarding our county judge's possible future decision to ask for a stay-at-home order if COVID-19 cases don't decrease, I immediately thought that continuous COVID 19 mandates produce nothing more than negative consequences.

This American Thinker article proves this writer to be correct in his thinking. On the other side of the coin, note the last paragraph and the words "blissful ignorance." Know that ignorance is not really bliss (see article).

Beloved, as I wrote in this article, "In reading history, there is no doubt in this writer's mind that socialism/communism is always raising its ugly head on the horizon of human extinction."

And regarding the COVID-19 virus, Our whole world has been turned upside down by this virus and will never "right" itself unless it returns to God (see article). The question becomes will it return? Sadly, history indicates that it won't (2 Timothy 3:12-13). See article and note comments under the heading "Conclusion."

In light of the above information, the only plea that we as Christians have left is "Lord, come quickly" (Revelation 22:20).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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