A Quick Study In Contrasts

As the above title indicates, the following short duration YouTube videos here and here, contain a quick study in contrasts, i.e.,  a baby boomer work ethic versus a millennial work ethic (see article and see video).

The first video presents Mr. Donald J. Trump (before he became President), physically working as a waiter at his own hotel -- see hotel overview (yes, you saw it here first!). Granted, he doesn't exert too much physical effort in the tasks presented to him, but at least we know that Mr. Trump does believe in a work ethic, whether mental or physical. And he's not afraid to quickly tackle any situation that comes up.

It's also interesting to note that Mr. Trump knows the names of the employees who work for him, and gives them complements for a job well-done. So, we know that Mr. Trump is a people person, sincerely interested in people and their success in life. Mr. Trump obviously knows and understands that without a dedicated work force, he would not be financially successful himself, so we know that he has a vested interest in the people he employs (see here).

The second video contains a spoof, not only contrasting a lack of work ethic in the millennial employees presented, but a totally different change in mindset from the baby boomer generation, not unlike the "ME" generation.

Beloved, this writer's generation (baby boomer) is a breed apart from the millennial generation; so much so, I fear for the future generations coming down the road. We desperately need to instill in our children and grandchildren the fact that work is a blessing - not a curse! And beyond promoting a good work ethic, to promote having an infectious personality as well (see here and here).

As parents and grandparents, may God richly bless us toward that end.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
