Let's Give The Man A Chance!

The "man" in the above title, is none other than President Donald J. Trump. It's amazing that in just one day after the signing ceremony between the President and North Korea's Chairman Kim Jung Un at the Singapore Summit (see here), the naysayersdetractors, and those who jump to conclusions, are already coming out of the woodwork (see herehere, here, and here).

Folks, let's give the man a chance! (God gave us a chance - cf. Romans 5). President Trump has already achieved more than any previous president regarding North Korea, by actually sitting down in a face-to-face discussion with North Korea's leader. Here are ten positives from the Trump-Kim Summit.

Let's give credit where credit is due! (see here).

From the videos this writer has seen on YouTube regarding Donald Trump, my conclusion is that Donald Trump possesses the following good qualities: (1) He sets goals, priorities, putting in place action plans (see here), with the goal of getting things done; (2) He doesn't waste time (see here and here) talking a problem to death, but takes immediate action in solving the problem (see examples here); (3) He is a people person, able to successfully communicate and work with people from all walks of life, including his immediate family (see videos in the first three paragraphs here).

What will be the overall results of President Trump and Chairman Kim's summit meeting? Hopefully and prayerfully, a positive outcome for both North Korea, the United States, and ultimately, all the nations of the world. Let us daily pray for President Trump (see here).

Beloved, no matter what happens as to the future results of this summit, know that God is still on His throne, in complete charge, and the providence of God is still working today in the lives, situations, and circumstances of people and nations as it was in the days of Queen Esther (see here). Know that if we love God, He will work out all things for our benefit (Romans 8:28 - see here).

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! (see here).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
