What has brought on the inefficiency of government over the past three generations (and even longer)? Answer: The padding of politicians' and highly overpaid administrator's pocketbooks (those under-the-table deals) with no concern for hard-working voters who pay for all of the "free" stuff (that's the result of the welfare state).
And as far as the border wall is concerned. In this writer's view, it's another waste of taxpayers' money - see article (we don't have it to waste), simply because when you advertise the "free stuff" (brought about by crooked politicians who garner votes simply to keep themselves in political office until they die) ..... all of the citizens of countries who promote dictatorships and oppress their citizenry (keeps them poor), will naturally flock to any nation who will help those poverty-stricken citizens. This is why we see an influx of immigrants coming to America from almost every corner of the earth.
Additionally, the border wall has not (nor will it ever) restrict the sale and distribution of illegal drugs (see here), simply because of the money factor (note the discovery of a third drug tunnel along the Arizona border (see here). Also note the illegal drugs delivered by airspace (see here). The principle is that if people want something bad enough (drugs, alcohol, a better life, etc.) they will always find a way to acquire it (see here, here, and here).
What's the biblical solution to all of the above societal problems? Answer: Change the hearts and minds of people (see here and here). And the only way to do that, is to promote the teaching of the spiritual principles and precepts found in the saving gospel of Christ to all citizens of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2 - noting the phrase, "every nation under heaven" in vs. 5). Beloved, ignorance and apathy won't change anything, but the life-changing power of the gospel can (Romans 1:16 -- see here) ..... and that's the bottom line.
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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