Folks, common sense tells us that we cannot delete reality! (see here). As long as there are human beings residing on the face of the earth, prejudice will exist in some form or another (Genesis 4:1-16 NET). Also, see Censorship in America article.
If we ban the above two literary classics listed in the above The Guardian article, we might as well ban the Bible as well, for it too contains multiple lists of "prejudicial" statements (see here). And if we preach and teach God's truth in its entirety (Acts 20:16-27), we will offend some folks, simply because biblical teachings are "offensive" to those who are living in sin (see here and here).
From the above The Guardian article, this writer totally agrees with the National Coalition Against Censorship, when it states: "the problems of living in a society where racial tensions persist will not be resolved by banishing literary classics from the classroom." They continue on in offering a solution: "On the contrary, the classroom is where the history, use and destructiveness of this language should be examined and discussed. It is there that the books’ complexities can be contextualised and their anti-racist message can be understood,” it said. “Rather than ignore difficult speech, educators should create spaces for open dialogue that teaches students to confront the vestiges of racism and the oppression of people of colour."
Beloved, in order to successfully live with people we view different than ourselves, we must view whatever the situation is, from the other person's point of view, and not just our own (see here). In order to accomplish this, we must first put down our smartphones, and then be willing to actually converse with other people on a one-on-one basis (see here, here, and here).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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