CES 2020 And Some Questions

Once a year, Las Vegas is host to CES (Consumer Electronics Show (here is CES 2021), the largest consumer electronics show on earth (see here and here). With almost 50 football fields worth of new smart home tech toys (see videos herehere, here and here ), there's probably a digital gadget for every geek or nerd on earth.

Also note the ultimate smart home tech tour (see video here and home of the future here). Here are 21 home automation ideas for 2020 (see video)

Some questions we might ask are these: (1) Will all of this overpriced gadgetry be of much value to the average consumer, or will the they present too much of a learning curve for the average man or woman on the street?; (2) Will they have a practical use in our everyday lives, or will they cause us to become more lazy and thus more obese?; (3) Will the average person be able to financially afford them?

(4) Will all of this technology somehow assist mankind in drawing closer to their fellowman, and ultimately to God? (you be the judge - see herehereherehere, and here(5) Will these digital gadgets cause us to be more forgiving, more kind, more tolerant and less critical of our fellowman? (see here and here).

From this writer's experience with digital technology, I have found that only when we put down our phones (and any other digital gadgetry), can we truly experience what life is really all about (see herehere, and here). This writer will gladly leave all of the CES tech toys and gadgets to the geeks and the nerds of the world. One might correctly say, that for all practical purposes, this writer is a technophobe .... however I do possess a dumbphone.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
